Killer Bunnies Wiki
The Bunnymooners
0571ZZ - Bunnymooners, The-thumbnail
The Bunnymooners
Quest Card Info
Card ID 0571
Type Run
Background Horizontal Gradient
Aggressive Yes
▲ Deck Wacky Khaki
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Bunnymooners must be used by (or given to) any player who has been playing Killer Bunnies for less than a year (a ‘Bunnymooner’). The player may select a Carrot from Kaballa's Market (if open) or an opponent.

  • If the player who used the card is not a ‘Bunnymooner,’ then the player must give the card to the first ‘Bunnymooner’ in the current direction of play.
  • If no person playing the game is a ‘Bunnymooner,’ then the Player who used the card may select a Carrot either from Kaballa’s Market or from an opponent.


  • If Kaballa’s Market is closed, then the Carrot may only be taken from an Opponent.


  • This card is a parody of The Honeymooners, an American TV sitcom (1955–1956).


Image Variations[]

0571EE - Bunnymooners, The-thumbnail
Card #571
0571ZZ - Bunnymooners, The-thumbnail
Card #0571