Killer Bunnies Wiki
Feed The Bunny - 1 Cabbage - 1 Water (Jupiter)
017 Feed the Bunny-thumbnail
Jupiter Card Info
Card ID 017
Type Feed the Bunny
Background flat
Aggressive Yes
▲ Deck Deep Blue
◄ Previous White Directorate Bunny
Next ► Sustain the Bunny

Feed the Bunny may be played on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must feed the amounts shown by the end of its next turn or die. When a player places a Feed The Bunny card on an opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle, the opponent has until the end of his next turn to pay the amounts of Cabbage and Water listed on the card, or else the bunny will die (be discarded).


  • Remember that a player may purchase Cabbage (J2J) and Water (J2J) from ZIDS (on his turn only) if he has Cash, and the store is open.

Amounts of Cabbage and Water that were paid to Feed The Bunny are placed face up near the Draw Piles for the supply cards to form discard piles.
