Killer Bunnies Wiki
Mad Bunny Disease
0578ZZ - Mad Bunny Disease-thumbnail
Quest Card Info
Card ID 0578
Type Run
Background Pattern
Aggressive Yes
▲ Deck Wacky Khaki
◄ Previous Dodecadruple Lucky Clover
Next ► Matta-Hare-E

Mad Bunny Disease may be given to any player whose bunnies all become infected. The player loses one Carrot at the start of each turn until all of that player’s bunnies have been eliminated. Traded bunnies may infect other players’ bunnies. Once a player has returned all Carrots, the player will then have to eliminate all bunnies before Mad Bunny Disease is discarded.


  • Bunnies with the Halo or Angel Wings cannot be infected by Mad Bunny Disease, nor can a Holographic Bunny.
  • A bunny abducted by the Beyea Aliens (Area 51 or Mothership) is returned free of Mad Bunny Disease.
  • A bunny that is abducted by any other card will retain Mad Bunny Disease and infect other bunnies.
  • Any bunnies joined by Fingercuffs contract Mad Bunny Disease.
  • Sunny Day may be used to eliminate Mad Bunny Disease from all bunnies in The Bunny Circle.


  • Mad Bunny Disease is a play on Mad Cow Disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE), which is why the bunny pictured is holding a cow.
  • The cow the Mad Bunny is holding is a Mooby Cow/Calf statue. Mooby's is a fictional restaurant in many Kevin Smith movies, first seen in Dogma.

Image Variations[]

0578EE - Mad Bunny Disease-thumbnail
Card #578
0578ZZ - Mad Bunny Disease-thumbnail
Card #0578