Killer Bunnies Wiki
Congenial Bunny (Pink)
496 Pink Congenial-thumbnail
Quest Card Info
Card ID 496
Type Run
Kind Bunny
Background Diagonal Gradient
Aggressive No
▲ Deck Perfectly Pink
◄ Previous 1/2 Dolla
Next ► Pink Gleeful Bunny

Pink Congenial Bunny is a normal bunny, but with a bonus - the Pink Congenial Bunny can feed itself five cabbage and five water each turn. This cabbage and water cannot be used to feed other bunnies and it cannot be stockpiled.


If you own a Congenial Bunny Pink) and two other pink bunnies or two other congenial bunnies, then you have a bunny triplet and may play two cards per turn. As soon as a player completes a bunny triplet, that player may play a second card that same turn.

Color Triplet

A pink color triplet is formed by owning a Pink Congenial Bunny and two of the following:

  • Gleeful Bunny (Pink)
  • Lumbering Bunny (Pink)
  • Sinister Bunny (Pink)
  • Timid Bunny (Pink)
  • Pink Pawn

If the player has combined the Quest and Conquest games, a Pink triplet can also be formed by including the following bunnies with the list above:

  • Evil Bunny (Pink)
  • Hypnotic Bunny (Pink)
  • Ludicrous Bunny (Pink)
  • Spiffy Bunny (Pink)
  • Truculent Bunny (Pink)

Type Triplet

A congenial type triplet is formed by owning a Congenial Bunny (Pink) and two of the following:
